Events Daily

Today, Monday, March 10, 2025

Colliding light to measure tau g–2
Jesse Liu, New York University
Event Type: CCPP Brown Bag
Time: 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Location: 726 Broadway, 940, CCPP Seminar
Abstract: Photon collisions and anomalous magnetic moments (g–2) enjoy an illustrious New York history. At NYU, Breit and Wheeler calculated photons colliding into matter and antimatter paving the path to quantum electrodynamics. Kusch and Foley measured the electron g–2 at Columbia, revealing the vacuum is a teeming sea of virtual particles. Brookhaven E821 surpassed parts-per-million precision for tantalizing muon g–2 measurements. But what about tau-leptons? Long overlooked, a new tau g–2 program is beginning. This fittingly uses tau-leptons created in LHC photon collisions, extending Breit-Wheeler physics to the highest laboratory energies.