Washington Square

About Us

The Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics is a unique group of faculty, students and research scientists working together on fundamental questions at the intersection of particle physics, astrophysics and cosmology.

Upcoming Events

This Week’s Visitors

04/28 - 05/25: Teresa Bister; Radboud University, Netherlands
05/06 - 06/04: David Oneill; david.oneill@nbi.ku.dk
05/08 - 05/22: Alberto Zaffaroni; Università di Milano-Bicocca
05/09 - 06/15: Eren Firat; EPFL Lusanne
05/09 - 06/15: Fillipo Nardi; EPFL Lusanne
05/14 - 05/27: Ahmad Nemer; NYUAD